Spay & Neuter
We strongly recommended that all puppies and kittens be spayed or neutered by the age of six months. Spaying females prior to them experiencing their first heat greatly decreases their chances of mammary cancer while neutering a male eliminates the risk of testicular cancer. Population control and behavior issues are also important aspects to consider. Spay and neuter patients are admitted into the hospital for the day.
Prior to the procedure, each patient receives a complete physical examination by the veterinarian, pre-anesthetic blood work, and pre-emptive pain medication. Patients undergo a pre-surgical preparation. Our electronic monitoring includes; ECG, oxygen levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Each patient receives intravenous fluids throughout their procedure.
Most surgical procedures done on dogs and cats require the use of anesthesia. This is a beneficial way for us to give pets the care they need. The use of anesthesia is safe, and we are expertly trained in administering it and caring for patients that are under.
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Our surgery suite is clean and sterile. All instruments are autoclaved, and the team’s attire includes full-body gowns, caps, masks, and surgical-grade gloves. Our patients are continuously observed from their initial sedation until they are fully awake and alert. During discharge, each client receives thorough written and verbal aftercare instructions.